55 Hour project

In just 55 hours, a team of 5 randomly assigned members had to deliver a 60-90 seconds video and a poster.
Genre and theme were also chosen randomly.

For this project, I was producer. Our genre was Suspense/Thriller and our theme was Friendship.




Dice it Up (TV Show)

At the end of the second year of International Media & Entertainment Management we made a television show called “Dice it Up”. This show was a game where two teams were competing against each other in studio games and outdoor games.

During the live show I was the Visionmixer (switching between various cameras) and during the outdoor games I was Sound Recordist.

You can watch both episodes of the TV Show Dice it Up below.

Dice it Up – Show 1

Dice it Up – Show 2

Mythopedia webpage

Descuberta Website

Descuberta Website Thumbnail

Digital Christmas Wish

At the Interactive department we had to made a digital Christmas wish.

We chose to come up with a jukebox and display some “Elf-Yourself” kind of videos in it. The videos are made by fellow students, I did the Flash design & coding.

For more information about the development I would refer to my blog (Dutch).
See "de weg naar creativiteit" and "Backstage bij onze artiesten"

Cube Club

We had to come up with a concept and make a website for it. The most important requirement was that it should be some kind of TV channel.

I made a community website for owners of a NeoCube™ This is a magnet puzzle.
I will not put the website online, but to give you an impression of how it looks I’ll provide 2 screenshots.


Video page:

Because it’s a good concept I decided to put the site online. To get the technical things working I chose to use Drupal.
It’s my first attempt with it, but it was a good motivation to start learning Drupal.

Because of this I’ve not used the lay-out I made for school.

You can find the site at CubeClub.nl

Ducky 45 Minutes Assignment

Ducky 45 Minutes Assignment Thumbnail

Poster Open Day IMEM

Poster Open Day IMEM Thumbnail

Samba Schutte – Be The Star That You Are

Radiohead – Karma Police (NHTV Assignment)

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